What's the Auto-Delivery program & how does it work?

Lock in the price of your favorite items and never run out for as long as you need them. Auto-Delivery is our convenient replenishment program that lets you lock in your order price while automatically receiving your favorite items on a shipping schedule that you can customize. It's about having what you love, when you want it, at a price that's guaranteed for as long as the item ships on Auto-Delivery. And it's risk-free—cancel anytime!

QVC products available on Auto-Delivery are clearly identified and can easily be ordered. After placing an Auto-Delivery order, you don't need to reorder the item again. You'll be billed for your first shipment after payment has been processed. Subsequent shipments will be billed at your original order price and automatically sent on a regular shipping schedule (for example, approximately every 60 or 90 days) or on a schedule you customize. Delivery and billing are repeated until you cancel your Auto-Delivery plan or until it reaches its automatic end date. A plan will also automatically end once the total number of shipments or products have been sent (if applicable).

Conveniently manage your Auto-Delivery plan(s) online or call Customer Service at 888-345-5788.

Can I manage my Auto-Delivery plans online?

You can conveniently manage and make changes to the shipping schedule of your Auto-Delivery items on QVC.com or through our QVC apps. Just select "My Account" and click "Auto-Delivery Plans." From there, you can make changes to your plan or to an individual shipment. In most cases, you can accelerate, delay, or skip a shipment. Other changes, such as order quantity or payment and shipment information, can also be made.

Note: If you haven't yet created a password for your QVC account, you'll need to do so in order to sign in to manage your Auto-Delivery orders. Or you can call Customer Service for assistance at 888-345-5788.

Can I cancel my Auto-Delivery plan?

Yes! Cancel any time online or by calling Customer Service at 888-345-5788. You won't receive or be billed for any future shipments unless your shipment is too far along in the shipping process or has already shipped.

How can I customize or manage my Auto-Delivery plan?

It's easy! Check out our Online Auto-Delivery Management tool. Click on "My Account" and then "Auto-Delivery Plans" to view a full listing. To access a particular plan, click on "View/Edit Plan." Or, to make changes by phone, please call Customer Service at 888-345-5788.


How to Edit Future Shipments

Make changes to individual Auto-Delivery shipments by selecting the "Edit" option in the "Edit Shipments for this Plan" section. To make changes to ALL future shipments, select the "Edit" option in the "Plan Details" section.

Note: Once the first item in your Auto-Delivery plan has shipped, you can make changes to future shipments. Some restrictions may apply for certain plans and at certain stages in the shipping process.

You can make changes to the following:

  • Order Quantity: Increase or decrease the quantity for your plan.
  • Edit Color/Size/Flavor/Scent: Select a new color, size, flavor, or scent, if applicable.
  • Edit Ship-to Address: Select from your address book, or enter a new one to send a shipment as a gift. (To edit your Billing Address, visit "My Account.")
  • Edit Payment Information: Add a new credit card, choose a different card, update an expiration date, or change payment method.
  • Frequency: Select a new shipping frequency from the available options in the drop-down list. A new shipment schedule will automatically be established for all future shipments. (Some plans don't allow the frequency between shipments to be modified or may limit the extent of changes.)
  • Next Shipment Date: If a calendar is visible, the "Next Shipment Date" may be changed. Dates in black are available, while those in gray are not. Use the arrows in the top corner of the calendar to switch months. Click on the date you'd like your next shipment sent (the calendar will automatically close). Some plans don't allow calendar date changes or may limit the extent of changes.
  • Shipping Method: Select a new shipping method from the drop-down list.
  • Skip Shipment: Cancel a particular shipment but still remain enrolled in the Auto-Delivery plan.
  • Cancel All Future Shipments: Click this link if you'd like to cancel a plan and all its future shipments. (To only skip a particular shipment, use the "Skip Shipment" option detailed above.) Once you've canceled your plan, you may see a "Reinstate Auto-Delivery Plan" link. Click this to re-enroll and begin receiving shipments again at your original order price. This link will remain visible and available for a limited time.

How do I view & manage my Auto-Delivery orders if I checked out without entering a password?

While we provide you the option to place an order on your account without entering a password, a password is required to access your account and view or manage any information about your orders, including Auto-Delivery orders. If you have not yet created a password, you can choose the Password link from the My Account page to do so. Or, you can call Customer Service for assistance at 888-345-5788.

What are my Auto-Delivery payment options?

You're able to pay by QCard® or major credit card, check, or money order. If you pay by credit card, you'll automatically be billed at the time of each shipment. If you pay by check or money order, you'll be sent a reminder before each subsequent shipment is mailed. As soon as your check or money order is received and processed by QVC, your next shipment will be sent. Mail check or money order payments to:

P.O. Box 1900
West Chester, PA 19380

How do I return an Auto-Delivery item?

If for any reason you're not satisfied, our return policy allows you to send back returns-eligible merchandise within 30 days of the date you received the package for an exchange or a refund of the purchase price, minus the shipping & handling and Q Return Label fee. If an item is returned due to defect, QVC was in error, or request for exchange/replacement, QVC will refund the shipping & handling and will not deduct the Q Return Label fee.

Simply follow the return instructions on the pack slip that's included with your shipment. You may also contact Customer Service at 888-345-5788. Returning one shipment won't cancel your entire Auto-Delivery plan; you'll continue to receive future shipments according to the shipment schedule for your product. If you choose to make two consecutive returns for refunds in your Auto-Delivery plan but still wish to remain enrolled in the plan, please contact Customer Service to arrange for future deliveries. Otherwise, QVC will automatically cancel your Auto-Delivery plan. Please contact Customer Service before returning perishable items such as food or plants.

Can I modify my shipping schedule on a plan that ships for a limited time?

You can usually change your shipping frequency or accelerate, delay, or skip a shipment on most Auto-Delivery plans scheduled to ship for a limited time before they automatically end. This is also true for plans with a specific number of shipments offered before the plan automatically ends. If this is modified, it may impact the total number of shipments you're able to receive before the plan automatically ends.

Can I restart or reinstate an Auto-Delivery plan I previously canceled?

Yes, for a limited time. But the option to restart Auto-Delivery may not be available on every plan. To see if this option is available, go to "My Account" and click "Auto-Delivery Plans." Then, on the "Order Status" page, select "View Plan" next to the one you'd like to restart. If "Reinstate Auto-Delivery Plan" is visible, you're able to restart your plan at your original order price. You can also contact Customer Service at 888-345-5788 for assistance.

Will QVC cancel my Auto-Delivery plan?

QVC strives to deliver your favorite products to you as long as you remain enrolled in your Auto-Delivery plan. QVC reserves the right to discontinue or cancel your Auto-Delivery plan for any reason. Some reasons for cancellation include, but are not limited to, unavailability of inventory, lack of payment for two consecutive scheduled shipments, customer account closure, etc. If for any reason QVC must discontinue or cancel your plan, you'll be notified by email or USPS mail. Additional terms and conditions may apply.