Item Number

Style Piece: 4340 Worry Free Micro Brief

Waist Flat 11.512.513.514.515.516.517.5
Waist Stretched 19.7521.523.252526.7528.530.25
Rise Front Top of WB to Frt Gusset Sm 5.756.1256.56.8757.257.6258
Rise Bk top of WB to Bk sm 99.3759.7510.12510.510.87511.25
Outseam fm Top of WB 5.55.7566.256.56.757
Gusset Width Frt - Along Contour 555555.55.5
Gusset Width Bk sm along curve 6.3756.6256.8757.1257.3757.8758.125
Gusset Width at Narrowest Point 2.6252.6252.6252.6252.6252.752.75
Gusset Length 7.257.758.258.759.251010.5
Leg Opening - Straighten curve 8.6259.37510.1251111.7512.37513.125
Leg Stretched 14.2515.516.7518.12519.37520.521.75

Style Piece: 4340 Worry Free Micro Brief

Waist Flat 18.5
Waist Stretched 32
Rise Front Top of WB to Frt Gusset Sm 8.375
Rise Bk top of WB to Bk sm 11.625
Outseam fm Top of WB 7.25
Gusset Width Frt - Along Contour 5.5
Gusset Width Bk sm along curve 8.375
Gusset Width at Narrowest Point 2.75
Gusset Length 11
Leg Opening - Straighten curve 14
Leg Stretched 23.125